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Comparing Texas Online Preparatory School vs. Texas Virtual Academy: Which Online School is Right for You?

Comparing Texas Online Preparatory School vs. Texas Virtual Academy: Which Online School is Right for You?

Are you a Texan parent looking for a quality online education for your child? With so many options available, it can be overwhelming to choose the right fit. Two popular choices are Texas Online Preparatory School (TOPS) and Texas Virtual Academy (TXVA). But which one is better? Let's break it down.

First, let's look at the numbers. According to statistics from the Texas Education Agency, TOPS has consistently higher graduation rates than TXVA. In fact, TOPS boasts a 91% graduation rate compared to TXVA's 82%. That's a significant difference!

But graduation rates aren't the only important factor. Let's dive deeper into what each school offers. At TOPS, students have access to a wide range of extracurricular activities such as clubs, sports teams, and social events. TXVA, on the other hand, focuses more on individualized learning plans tailored to each student's specific needs.

Of course, academic rigor is also crucial. Both schools offer advanced courses, but TOPS partners with the prestigious University of Texas at Austin to provide dual credit options. This means students can earn college credits while still in high school, giving them a head start on their higher education.

But what about the teachers? Both TOPS and TXVA have certified, experienced educators who teach via online platforms. However, TOPS also offers on-campus opportunities for students to connect with their teachers in person. This can be especially beneficial for students who thrive in a face-to-face classroom setting.

One potential downside to TOPS is that it follows a traditional academic calendar, meaning students have set start and end dates for each semester. TXVA, on the other hand, offers year-round enrollment, allowing students to start at any time. This can be beneficial for families who want more flexibility in their schedules.

Another advantage of TXVA is its extensive support system. In addition to teachers, students have access to counselors, academic coaches, and a helpful online community. This can be especially beneficial for students who need extra guidance and support.

At the end of the day, both TOPS and TXVA have their strengths and weaknesses. It ultimately comes down to your family's individual needs and priorities. If you value a higher graduation rate, on-campus opportunities, and dual credit options, TOPS may be the right fit for your child. On the other hand, if you prioritize individualized learning plans, year-round enrollment, and a strong support system, TXVA may be the better choice.

In summary, choosing an online school can be daunting, but with careful consideration, you can find the perfect fit for your child's academic journey. Take the time to research and weigh your options, keeping in mind what's most important to you and your family. Whether it's TOPS or TXVA, rest assured that your child will receive a quality education from dedicated educators committed to their success.

Texas Online Preparatory School Vs Texas Virtual Academy
"Texas Online Preparatory School Vs Texas Virtual Academy" ~ bbaz


Choosing the right school for your child is one of the most crucial decisions you will make as a parent. With the advent of technology, online schools have become a popular option for many parents. Two popular online schools in Texas are Texas Online Preparatory School and Texas Virtual Academy. In this article, we will compare these two schools to help you make an informed decision.

Background Information

Texas Online Preparatory School (TOPS) and Texas Virtual Academy (TXVA) are both public online schools that are tuition-free. Both schools serve students in grades K-12 and offer individualized instruction using the internet as their primary resource.


One of the main differences between TOPS and TXVA is their curriculum. TOPS follows a traditional curriculum that is aligned with the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) standards. On the other hand, TXVA uses a curriculum designed by K12 Inc., an online education provider, that is not based on state standards but has been accredited by AdvancED.

TOPS offers Honors and Advanced Placement courses for high school students who want to challenge themselves academically. They also provide bilingual and special education programs for students who need additional support. Meanwhile, TXVA offers career readiness courses such as Business and Finance, Information Technology, and Health Science.

Teaching Style

Another distinguishing factor is their teaching style. TOPS has certified teachers who provide personalized instruction and feedback to students. They hold online office hours and are available via email or phone to answer questions. At TXVA, students interact with one teacher who guides them through the curriculum.

TOPS follows a synchronous learning model where students attend virtual classrooms at set times each week. TXVA, on the other hand, uses an asynchronous model where students can learn at their own pace and access recorded video lessons at any time.

Extracurricular Activities

Both schools offer extracurricular activities such as clubs, honor societies, and field trips. However, TOPS provides more opportunities for students to participate in sports and physical activities. They have agreements with local school districts to allow students to join sports teams and attend practices and games.

Technology and Equipment

Since both schools are online, having a reliable computer and internet connection is essential. TOPS provides students with a loaner computer and printer, as well as a stipend for internet reimbursement. TXVA does not provide any equipment, but they have a program that offers discounts on laptops and internet services.


Choosing between Texas Online Preparatory School and Texas Virtual Academy depends on your child's learning style and needs. If you prefer an accredited curriculum that emphasizes career readiness, TXVA may be a better fit. Meanwhile, if your child desires a more traditional approach that follows state standards and offers more opportunities for sports and physical activities, TOPS might be the better choice. As a parent, it's crucial to research both schools thoroughly and consider what works best for your family.

Texas Online Preparatory School Vs Texas Virtual Academy: A Comparison


Choosing the right online school for your child can be a daunting task. With so many options available, it can be overwhelming to figure out which one would best suit your child's needs. Two such options in Texas are the Texas Online Preparatory School and the Texas Virtual Academy. In this article, we will compare the two schools to help you make an informed decision.

History and Accreditation

The Texas Online Preparatory School (TOPS) was established in 2006 and is accredited by the Texas Education Agency (TEA). The school is part of the K12 Inc. network of schools and serves students in grades 3-12. The Texas Virtual Academy (TXVA) was founded in 2007 and is also accredited by TEA. TXVA is operated by the Responsive Education Solutions charter school network and serves students in grades K-12.

Curriculum and Course Offerings

Both TOPS and TXVA offer comprehensive online curriculums that adhere to the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) standards. The schools provide interactive and engaging courses that include core subjects like math, science, language arts, and social studies. Additionally, both schools offer a variety of electives like music, art, and physical education. However, TOPS offers more advanced placement (AP) courses than TXVA.

Learning Style and Flexibility

TOPS and TXVA follow different learning models. TOPS uses a blended learning approach, which means that students must attend face-to-face sessions once a week. The remaining four days of the week are spent completing coursework online. On the other hand, TXVA follows a completely virtual model, which enables students to learn from anywhere at any time. However, TXVA requires students to log in to live classes at scheduled times.

Teacher and Student Support

Both schools provide students with academic support from certified teachers. TOPS has a lower teacher-to-student ratio of 1:50, while TXVA's ratio is 1:60. Additionally, TOPS offers a robust student support network that includes academic advisors, college and career counseling, and social and emotional support services. TXVA also provides similar support services, but they are not as extensive as TOPS.

Technology and Platform

Both schools utilize the K12 learning management system platform, which provides students with easy access to coursework, grades, and communication tools. Students at both schools also receive a school-issued computer and technical support. However, TOPS provides more learning resources, including digital textbooks and educational software programs, than TXVA.

Extracurricular Activities and Clubs

TOPS and TXVA offer students opportunities to participate in various extracurricular activities, including clubs, organizations, and sports teams. However, the availability of these activities may vary depending on the location of the student. TOPS has more options for extracurricular activities, and their curriculum includes leadership courses that help students develop important life skills.

Tuition and Fees

Both schools are tuition-free public charter schools. They receive state funding, and there are no tuition fees for students. However, there may be additional fees for materials, textbooks, and equipment.

Enrollment and Eligibility

To enroll at TOPS or TXVA, students must meet certain eligibility requirements, including residency and age requirements. Both schools accept students from anywhere in Texas, but TOPS has limited enrollment capacity due to their blended learning model.

Prospective Student Profile

TOPS would be an ideal choice for students who prefer a blended learning model and desire a more extensive support network. It would also be suitable for students who want to take AP courses. On the other hand, TXVA would be an excellent option for students who prefer a completely virtual learning model and want more flexibility in their schedule.


Choosing between TOPS and TXVA comes down to individual preferences and priorities. Both schools are highly reputable and provide quality education to their students. However, based on the comparison, TOPS seems to offer a more comprehensive curriculum, a more robust support network, and more specialized resources. Nonetheless, it is essential to consider all aspects of the schools before making a final decision.

Table Comparison

Criteria Texas Online Preparatory School Texas Virtual Academy
Learning Style Blended learning (in-person and online) Completely virtual
Curriculum Comprehensive online curriculum including AP courses Comprehensive online curriculum
Teacher-to-Student Ratio 1:50 1:60
Student Support Services Extensive support network, including academic advisors, college & career counseling, and social & emotional support services Similar support services, but not as extensive as TOPS
Extracurricular Activities More opportunities for extracurricular activities and leadership courses Similar opportunities for extracurricular activities
Opinion: Based on the comparison and analysis, both Texas Online Preparatory School and Texas Virtual Academy are excellent schools that offer high-quality online education to their students. However, TOPS stands out with its blended learning model, extensive support network, and comprehensive curriculum, including AP courses. Ultimately, it's up to the individual student and their family to decide which school aligns better with their needs and priorities.

Texas Online Preparatory School Vs Texas Virtual Academy: Which One is Right for You?


The world of online education has been expanding rapidly over the last few years, and Texas is no exception. There are now two prominent online public schools in Texas: Texas Online Preparatory School (TOPS) and Texas Virtual Academy (TVA). Both offer a range of classes and diplomas for K-12 students across the state. But what are the differences between these two schools, and which one is right for you? Let's take a closer look.


Both TOPS and TVA offer a full range of courses from kindergarten through 12th grade, with subjects covering everything from English and math to science and social studies. However, TVA offers a more robust curriculum than TOPS, including several advanced placement (AP) courses. If you're looking for an academically rigorous program, TVA might be the better choice.

Teacher Support

One of the key advantages of online learning is that it allows for individualized attention and support. Both TOPS and TVA assign teachers to each student who are responsible for grading assignments, answering questions, and providing general support. However, TVA has a higher teacher-to-student ratio, meaning that students may get more personalized attention from their teachers than at TOPS.

Learning Environment

When it comes to online learning, the platform and tools used by the school can make a big difference in the quality of the learning experience. TOPS uses the K12 platform, which is known for being user-friendly and intuitive, while TVA uses the Pearson Connexus platform, which is more complex but also more powerful. If you're comfortable using technology and looking for a more advanced learning environment, TVA might be the better choice.

Socialization Opportunities

One of the main concerns that parents and students have about online schooling is the lack of socialization opportunities. Both TOPS and TVA offer socialization activities and clubs for students, such as field trips and virtual events. However, TVA has a more developed program for extracurricular activities, including sports teams and student organizations. If you're looking for a more well-rounded social experience, TVA might be the better choice.


Another advantage of online learning is its flexibility, allowing students to work at their own pace and on their own schedule. Both TOPS and TVA offer this flexibility, but TVA takes it a step further by offering year-round enrollment and the ability to take courses in any order. If you need maximum flexibility in your scheduling, TVA might be the better choice.

Assessment and Testing

One of the challenges of online learning is ensuring that students are adequately assessed and tested. Both TOPS and TVA use a mix of online assessments, standardized tests, and proctored exams to evaluate student progress. However, TVA has a more robust testing program, including optional SAT and ACT preparation classes. If you're looking for a more comprehensive assessment and testing program, TVA might be the better choice.


One of the most significant differences between TOPS and TVA is their cost. TOPS is a tuition-free public school, while TVA is a public charter school that charges fees for some courses and materials. If cost is a significant factor for you, TOPS might be the better choice.


Both TOPS and TVA are accredited by the Texas Education Agency (TEA) and the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Council on Accreditation and School Improvement (SACS CASI). However, TVA has been accredited since 2008, while TOPS only received accreditation in 2019. If accreditation is important to you, TVA might be the better choice.


Both Texas Online Preparatory School and Texas Virtual Academy are excellent options for K-12 students looking for online education in Texas. But when it comes to choosing between the two, it really depends on your individual needs and preferences. Consider the factors above, such as curriculum, teacher support, learning environment, socialization opportunities, flexibility, assessment and testing, cost, and accreditation, to make an informed decision on which school is right for you.

Texas Online Preparatory School Vs Texas Virtual Academy: Making the Right Choice

As a parent, one of the most crucial decisions you will make regarding your child's education is choosing the right school. With the advent of modern technology, online schools have become more prevalent. In Texas, two names stand out when it comes to virtual education - Texas Online Preparatory School and Texas Virtual Academy. While they may sound similar, there are significant differences.

If you're considering these two schools, it's essential to weigh your options. In this blog post, we'll explore the differences between Texas Online Preparatory School (TOPS) and Texas Virtual Academy (TVA). This will help you make an informed decision on which school is right for your student.

Curriculum and Instruction

When it comes to curriculum and instruction, both TOPS and TVA offer exceptional programs that follow state standards. However, TOPS offers a more rigorous curriculum that prepares students for college-level courses. They work in partnership with K12 Inc. to provide a curriculum that is accredited, flexible, and personalized. TOPS also offers Advanced Placement courses, and some dual enrollment courses in collaboration with select universities.

TVA also offers a comprehensive program but has a more flexible program structure than TOPS. They follow a blended learning model that combines online instruction with in-person classes. They also offer a range of electives and advanced courses such as STEM,(Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math), and AP courses.

Enrollment and Eligibility

Both schools are open to students in Texas, regardless of their location. The enrollment process for both schools is available online and is simple. Students must meet the following requirements to be eligible for enrollment:

  • Be a resident of Texas
  • Meet the age requirement (elementary, middle, or high school level)
  • Have reliable internet and computing devices for their studies

However, TOPS has a more rigorous selection process due to their advanced curriculum. They have a screening process that requires applicants to provide academic transcripts and complete an interview with the school principal.

Student Support Services

TOPs and TVA both prioritize supporting their students through technology, guidance counseling, and academic support programs. However, TOPS offers more robust support services catered towards student engagement and success. The school provides individualized support and counseling to help students achieve their academic and personal goals. They also offer college readiness guidance, assistance in scholarship applications, and career development programs.

TVA's online support services include virtual tutoring, counseling, and a dedicated learning coach to guide students through their education journey.

Social and Extracurricular Activities

One downside to virtual learning is the lack of social interaction and physical activities. Both schools, however, prioritize providing their students with opportunities to be involved in extracurricular and social activities despite the virtual nature of their institution.

TOPS offers a range of clubs and organizations that students can join and participate in during their virtual sessions. Additionally, they offer face-to-face meetups throughout the academic year to facilitate student interaction, including sports, camps, and volunteer programs.

TVA, on the other hand, requires students to attend in-person classes at specific locations several times throughout the year, allowing for more face-to-face interactions with peers.

Cost Comparison

The cost of attending TOPS and TVA is dependent on various factors such as grade level, courses enrolled in, and additional resources needed. Both schools are tuition-free public charter schools that receive public funding. However, there might be additional fees for books, equipment, or activities.

It's essential to note that Texas allows public funds to be used for homeschooling expenses, which can offset some costs, such as equipment and subscriptions.


Choosing the right virtual school for your student requires careful consideration of the school's features, available resources, and your child's needs. Despite the similarities in curriculum and academic programs between TOPS and TVA, there are distinct differences in the terms of their approach and support system.

If you're looking for a virtual school that provides a rigorous curriculum, individualized attention to students, and an emphasis on preparing them for high-level academics, TOPS is the best option.

However, if you're looking for a more flexible program with more face-to-face interaction and excellent extracurricular activities, TVA may be the best choice for your student.

We hope this article has been helpful in guiding your decision-making process. Ultimately, the right digital education program will depend on your specific needs, preferences, and goals. Either way, both TOPs and TVA are reputable institutions that guarantee a quality education.

Thank you for reading, and we hope this helps you make the best decision for your child's academic journey!

People Also Ask About Texas Online Preparatory School Vs Texas Virtual Academy

What is Texas Online Preparatory School?

Texas Online Preparatory School (TOPS) is a public online school that offers a full-time instructional program for students in grades 3-12 in Texas. TOPS provides a rigorous curriculum, individualized instruction, and dedicated teachers who support students through every step of their academic journey.

What is Texas Virtual Academy?

Texas Virtual Academy (TXVA) is a fully accredited, statewide online public school that offers a comprehensive education program for students in grades K-12. TXVA combines innovative technology with an engaging curriculum to provide students with an individualized and flexible learning experience.

What are the similarities between TOPS and TXVA?

Both TOPS and TXVA are public online schools in Texas that offer full-time instructional programs for students in grades K-12. Both schools use an individualized approach to education, providing students with personalized support and resources to help them succeed.

What are the differences between TOPS and TXVA?

While TOPS and TXVA share many similarities, there are some key differences to consider. Here are a few:

  1. Curriculum: TOPS uses the K12 curriculum, while TXVA uses the Stride curriculum.
  2. Grade Levels: TOPS serves students in grades 3-12, while TXVA serves students in grades K-12.
  3. Live Classes: TOPS offers live classes that meet twice a week, while TXVA does not.
  4. Location: TOPS has a physical campus in Lewisville, TX, while TXVA is entirely online.

Which school is right for my child?

The right school for your child will depend on their unique needs and learning style. It’s a good idea to research both schools thoroughly, talk to current students and parents, and ask about their academic support and resources. Ultimately, the decision should be based on what will best support your child’s academic goals and personal growth.

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